2008 – MELBOURNE ART FAIR 2008 Reverse Study Paintings, Melbourne, Australia
GALLERY EASt, New Paintings 2008, North Fremantle, Australia
GALLERY EASt, from action to still life Physical Illustration, North Fremantle, Australia
KURB GALLERY, Martin Heine, 10 Years, performance retrospective and installations, Perth, Australia
KURB GALLERY, Map – Projection 2008, drawings by Martin Heine
ANDREAS BAUMGARTL, GALERIE FÜR ZEITGENÖSSISCHE KUNST, Reverse Paintings,private viewing, Munich, Germany
2007 – KURB GALLERIES, Rebirth of the Painter, Physical Illustration at the Performance Perennial 07
2006 – ELEMENTS ART GALLERY ʻSmear Talk –ʼ, Physical Illustration, Perth, Australia
ELEMENTS ART GALLERY, ʻpaintings against paintingʼ Reverse Iconography Paintings, Perth, Australia
2004 – KURB GALLERIES, Mediocre Shunga / Use your Head, a Physical Illustration, Perth, Australia
2003 – THE SYDNEY COLLEGE OF THE ARTS/GALLERY SPACE, Reverse Icons 2003, Sydney, Australia
THE SYDNEY COLLEGE OF THE ARTS/GALLERY SPACE,Lights Out II, another super-artist myth, a Physical Illustration, Sydney, Australia
KURB GALLERIES, The Cider Press of Eroticism, a Physical Illustration, assisted by Andrew Frost, Perth, Australia
2001 – PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS, Tactical Intervention Strategies, presenting Culture Gut an ensemble of objects in a public environment,arranged to evoke a provocative art context, Perth, Australia. Curated by Marcus Canning. Invitational
PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTs, Tactical Intervention Strategies, Raise the Flag/liberated art in exile/hiding in a caravan a Physical Illustration, Perth, Australia
1997 – DELANEY GALLERIES, New Works, Perth, Australia
1996 – DELANEY GALLERIES, between appropriation and reference again, Perth, Australia
1995 – AMDEN, Before After Before, Physical Illustration – re-arranging public space, outdoor, Video, Amden, Switzerland
1994 – DELANEY GALLERIES, cud new-new cud, Perth, Australia
Group shows and Collaborations
Texts in Italics are titles of Exhibitions
*Martin Heine thanks Diokno Pasilan for his generous support for the art project in Manila
*Martin Heine thanks Horio Sadaharu and good friends at Atelier 2001 for their generous support. Kobe, Japan
2014 – THE DRAWING ROM CONTEMPORARY ART Magis Autumn, with Trek Valdizno, Thilo Westermann, Singapore.
MELODY SMITH GALLERY, painting is dead, long live painting, Perth, Australia
PAPER MOUNTAIN GALLERY, Climate Change, Physical Illustration as part of Run Artist Run, Fringe world Festival, Perth, Australia
2013 – MELODY SMITH GALLERY, summer mixer, Perth, Australia
Recording of Sounds – in a production process, a performance by Diokno Pasilan and Martin Heine- conjoined with Diokno Pasilan exhibtion Ganta at University of the Philippines, Vargas Museum*
BURSWOOD CASINO COMPLEX, Artitude, an exhibition of Western Australian artists, with MELODY SMITH GALLERY, Perth, Australia
MELODY SMITH GALLERY, Works, Perth, Australia
2012 – ATELIER 2001, combined performance night by Horio Sadaharu presenting Matter of Course and Martin Heine Perpetration for a Movement*
GALLERY HORIKAWA, From the West, Small Works by Seven Western Australian Artists, Curated by Dr. D. Bromfield, support by Dr. P. Davidson, Kobe, Japan
DEWLLINGUPARTSLAB,nine and a half minute, physical illustration with Alan Lamb, artist residency Dwellingup, Australia
2011 – KURB GALLERY, December Zeigen Installation work exhibition shared Merrick Belyea, Perth, Australia
GALLERY EAST, 30 x 30, North Fremantle, Australia
GREALDTON REGIONAL ART GALLERY, Mid West Art Prize 2011 finalist, Geraldton, Australia
KURB GALLERY, reverse paintings, exhibiting with other Kurb Artists at the new Kurb Gallery, Perth, Australia
2010 – BLACK SWAN PORTRAIT PRIZE 2010, finalist, Perth, Australia
BURSWOOD CASINO COMPLEX, Artitude, an exhibition of Western Australian artists, with
GALLERY EAST, Perth, Australia
DEWLLINGUP ARTS LAB, Blazing Chair, function No. 2, physical illustration, part of a Kurb residency Dwellingup, Australia
2009 – ALBANY ART PRIZE 2009, finalist, Albany Australia
KURB GALLERY and ARCHITEKTURFABRIK, Switzerland, Cyclops and Sirens, Obfelden (Zurich), Switzerland, Physical Illustration and DVD, presented at the at the Performance Perennial Kurb Gallery, Perth, Australia
GALLERY EAST, The Little Christmas show, North Fremantle, Australia
BURSWOOD CASINO COMPLEX, Artitude, an exhibition of Western Australian artists, Perth, Australia
2008 – KURB GALLERY, Random Act of Strangeness – an Elephant goes to Work, Performance with David Brown, Perth, Australia
PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Silver, 25 Years of Artrage, presenting the Physical Illustration Vacuum (invitational) Perth, Australia, curated by M. Canning A. Gaynor
BURSWOOD CASINO COMPLEX, Artitude, an exhibition of Western Australian artists, with GALLERY EAST, Perth, Australia
GALLERY EAST, end of year exhibition, North Fremantle, Perth, Australia
KURB GALLERIES, end of the year exhibition, Perth, Australia
2006 – KURB GALLERIES, six days of openings, performance, Drawing, sound, and images, with Diokno Pasilan, Pippa Tandy, David Brown
KURB GALLERIES, ʻReach for Itʼ works by Kurb Associates, Perth, Australia
KURB GALLERIES, Piece for Perth, Physical Illustration, Performance Perennial, with Noel Sheridan, Tatjana Sésérko, David Brown
THE ART GALLERY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIa, Art in the Blume, Heine/Brown installation, Perth, Australia
ELEMENTS A RT GALLERY, Bare Elements, reviewing the tradition of the figure or the nude in art, Perth, Australia
2005 – ANDREAS BAUMGARTL, GALERIE FÜR ZEITGENÖSSISCHE KUNST, Reverse Iconography (private viewing), Munich, Germany
BREADBOX GALLERY, Artrage/Erotic Art Award & Exhibition, The Cider Press of Eroticisma DVD presentation & Reverse Iconography Paintings, Perth, Australia, curated by Marcus Canning
KURB GALLERIES, Katedrala, by T. Seserko, initiating a satellite performance Zurich/Switzerland-Perth/Australia
2004 – THE ART GALLERY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Art in the Blume, Heine/Brown installation, Perth, Australia
2003 – KURB GALLERIES, Artists against the War exhibition by various Western Australian Artists, Perth, Australia
FREMANTLE GATEWAY, Art 03, performing the Western Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Lights Out I, a super-artist myth, Physical Illustration, representing KURB Gallery, Fremantle Australia. Invitational
2002 – KURB GALLERIES,ʻFriede, Freude, Eierkuchenʼ a Physical Illustration, coincides with Kurb your indifference the new opening,
Perth, Australia
KURB GALLERIES, ʻKunst Marktʼ Burnt Porridge/Heine, art act, Perth, Australia
GARAGE GALLERY, ʻBlasenheit Macht Freiʼ Heine/Bromfield, a Physical Illustration, Perth, Australia
2001 – THE VERGE INC. GALLERY, Cutting out the Middleman, Heine/Bromfield, a Physical Illustration and Exhibition introducing Alan Viguier as guest artist, Perth, Australia
2000 – PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS, 100 years TAFE, Perth, Australia
1999 – PERTH CITY, CULTURAL CENTRE, NORTHBRIDGE ART FESTIVAl, no deep culture, public Installation, Sponsor, City of Perth, Health Way, NBA and the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, curated by Marcus Canning. Invitational
LAWRENCE WILSON ART GALLERY, ‚The Honigpumpe is kaputt‘ a Physical Illustration, amongst installed objects, Perth, Australia Curated by Dr. David Bromfield and Helen Carroll. Invitational
1998 – THE SANTO TOMAS UNIVERSITY, Punch and Judy, the theatre of simulacra, a Physical Illustration, Curated by Dr. David Bromfield and Helen Carroll, presented in Manila, Philippines, assisted by the Departments for the Arts Australia, Invitational
THE SANTO TOMAS UNIVERSITY, Education Booth No.10, Installation, exhibition, works by Western Australian Artists, Manila, Philippines, supported by the Department for the Arts, Western Australia, curated by Dr. David Bromfield and Helen Carroll. Invitational
GULAG HAY STREET ALTERNATIVE ARTS PACe, Scratch-film Installations, various artists from Western Australia, (curated by Sydney Film maker Albie Thoms and Peter Mudie) Perth, Australia
GULAG HAY STREET ALTERNATIVE ARTS PACE, test one, performances, videos, Installations, artists from Western Australia, Perth, Australia
1997 – SCULPTURE PARK LANDESKRANKENHAUS KLAGENFURT, ‚magnum opus‘, commission, outdoor sculpture, supported by The Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt, Austria. Other artists involved amongst others: Erwin Wurm, Moucle Blackout (both Austria). Curated by Roland Langitz, Invitational
ZELLKERN CANCER FOUNDATION, Hope, an exhibition of Artists supporting cancer patients, Linz, Austria
KUNSTWERKSTATT HEFT/HÜTTENBERG, Sculpture Symposium, Klagenfurt, Austria
1996 – BERNER GALERIE/PHOTO GALERIE, presenting the Mehrsauen Arrangement in conjunction with Denkpause, participating artists
from New York City, Seattle, Bratislava, Luzern, Bern, Switzerland, supported by the City and Kanton of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Invitational
JACK SUE GALLERY, communicating-around, Perth, Australia
CULLITY GALLERY, Birth-tower, a Heine/Mueller Installation and Physical Illustration, presented at the University of Western Australia
DELANEY GALLERIES, between appropriation and reference again, Perth, Australia, also presenting the highly controversial multipleʻ
Katalugʼ at Delaney Galleries and The University of Western Australia
1995 – GALLERY AM ROSSMARKt, locus necessitates, exhibition in advance of Reverse Iconographies, Wolfsberg, Austria, supported by the Department for the Arts, Western Australia
CULLITY GALLERY, The arse end of cultural production, performance with Vivian Smith, presented at The University of Western Australia
CITIY OF BERN/BÄRENPLATZ, Birth – tower, Heine/Mueller Intervention, Bern, Switzerland
GOMBOC GALLERY, Sculpture Survey, site Installation, Perth, Australia
1994 – AMICA BUNKER, NEW YORK, Sound sculpture and surprise things with local artists from New York, New York, USA
BATHROOM WISHES ART SPACE, serious shit, Heine/Mueller Installation and arrangements, presented in a provocative and contemporary art context, New York, USA
PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS, ʻMalboroughmanʼ Heine/Smith, Physical Illustration, sound, DVD projection, Perth, Australia.
1993 – NEW ARTPLACE CLAREMONT, The Advantage of Isolation, Perth, Australia
DELANEY GALLERIES, dudingreeuwderumsheinefloydhaasswarddicksoncunliffe, Perth, Australia
1992 – DELANEY GALLERIES, Eine Verheissung, Heine/Mueller Installation and multiples, Perth, Australia
1991 – GALLERY SEC-52, Eine Verheissung, Heine/Mueller Installation and multiples, Zürich, Switzerland
1989 – PERTH INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Pietatem tres lamina, Heine/Mueller installation and collage works on display, Perth Australia
1986 – CHAM, Sunday meeting, public intervention – paintings, collages, performances and sound projects by various Swiss artists, Cham, Switzerland
Film, DVD and Video projects
2010 – Cyclops and Sirens, Obfelden (Zurich), Switzerland, physical illustration and DVD, presented at the at the Performance Perennial
Kurb Gallery, Perth, Australia
2004 – The Cider Press of Eroticism, DVD supported by the KURB Gallery, edited by Burnt Porridge Art Actions, Performance summaries 1999-2003, supported by KURB Gallery, edited by Burnt Porridge, Perth Australia
Kunst Markt, DVD supported by KURB Gallery, edited by Burnt Porridge
2002 – Art Costs Monet, a critical reflection that ridicules the discrepancies between the author and the Cultural Industry
Culture Gut/Raise the Flag, a critical reflection with reference to the Caravan intervention and arrangements at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
2001 – Cutting out the Middleman, excerpt from the exhibition and performance with David Bromfield at the Verge inc. Gallery
2000 – The Honigpumpe is kaputt, excerpt from the Installation and Physical Illustration performance at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
1998 – Mehrsauen arrangement, a video about creativity and the intellectual isolation by cultural properties, excerpt from the international exhibition Denkpause
1997 – Watching citizen – a trilogy, situation and desire, video was first time shown at the 11th West Australian Film and Video Festival
1996 – Nightmare of an industrialist, filmed at St. Croix, Switzerland, Winner of the 10th West Australian Film and Video Festival, also shown at the cafe Bohemio, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Birth-tower, performance, video filmed at the Cullity Gallery, The University of Western Australia
1995 – Gebareturm Intervention, Video Bern, Switzerland, domestic breeding unit, first shown at the 9th West Australian Film and Video Festival, Fremantle, WA (award nominee)
Properties of Culture, Video shown at the 9th West Australian Film and Video Festival, Fremantle, WA
1994 – Collaging American Imagery, a Video study about the impossibility of the American hero, Video first shown in ‚Video Kills the Radio Star‘ experimental film screening, The University of Western Australia
Vacuum signals, film experiment, an analogue video, hand made film and radio sound combined to question the structure of sensation,
the video was first shown at ʻdust eats carpetʼ, experimental films screening, The University of Western Australia at no time, hand made film first shown at dust eats carpet and the 8th West Australia Film and Video Festival, Fremantle, Australia
*Note all Film and Video titles are tagged in italics
2011 – Now the Hard Part the work of Martin Heine 1965-2011 by Dr. David Bromfield, published with the aid of a grant from the Government of Western Australia – Department of Culture and the Arts
2004/05 – Mediocre Sunga – use your head, Martin Heine, Catalogue with essay and images, evaluating conceptual relationships
of Physical Illustration, presented at the Kurb Galleries space. Essay by Dr. David Bromfield, images taken by Dr. Pippa Tandy
2004 – versus the vox populi Reflection on the practice of art as a quest for liberation, (PhD Thesis) Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney
2003 – Martin Heine – Reverse Icons 2003 & a history of performance 1999 to 2003, Catalogue presented at The Sydney College of the Arts/Gallery, The University of Sydney. Catalogue, contains essay and images on Reverse Iconography Paintings and an extensive documentation of Physical Illustrations
2002 – Reverse Iconography 2002, essay and images, a short text sketching out the original practice that reveals the notion of Reverse Iconography
1997 – The Quest for Culture Research paper about Definitions and the myth of autonomy within contemporary art, The University of Western Australia
1996 – Martin Heine – Denkpause
Report, Catalogue, an account of Image and Text relating to the Denkpause Installation ʻmehrsauenʼ (more pigs) at the Bern Photo Gallery, Switzerland. Published by the School of Architecture and Fine Arts, The University of Western Australia
The Cultural Terrorists, an investigation in to the rebellious nature of art and artists
Cluster Bomb, Essays on art and politics, University of Western Australia
1994 – Muscle ache, a book about culture and its incompatibility to deal with nihilistic commodities, Published by archif verlag, Switzerland
Recurrence as Novelty a critical essay on art as novelty, published on CD, Perth, WA
*Note all publication titles are tagged in italics
Selected Reviews
2014 – Have Art. Will Travel! Martin Heine’s Function # 8 (Psychological Drama) at Melody Smith Gallery, 19 February, 2014, http://tincanvas.org/?p=213
Out of the Coffin Again, at Melody Smith Gallery, 19 February, 2014, http://tincanvas.org/?p=178
2013 – Liberty is Inevitable, Martin Heine on the Crest of a Wave!!, at Melody Smith Gallery, by Dr. David Bromfield,http://tincanvas.org /?p=28
The West Australian Newspaper,Heine shines in reverse, review by Laetitia Wilson, at Melody Smith Gallery,
ʻShould a moment last forever?ʼ Saturday p.m., 5 April 1997 Moderator: Henrietta Zielinski, Bibliographer, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sponsor: ARLIS/NA
New Art Round Table about curatorial issues debating amongst other things the Bathroom Wishes Art Space exhibition NY, serious shit, Art and Smart, Brot und Sport & Kaiserschmarren arrangement, a provocative and contemporary art context by Heine/Mueller, New York, USA
2001 – The West Australian Newspaper cutting out the middleman by Dr. D. Bromfield
1999/00 – The West Australian Newspaper The Honigpumpe is kaputt by Dr. D. Bromfield
1997 – Neue Kronen Zeitung, Konzeptkunst in den Brennesseln, by Frida Stank, Stumpfspitzig, Kunstwerkstatt Heft, Klagenfurt, Austria
The West Australian Newspaper ‚Studio show offers best of two worlds‘ by Dr. D. Bromfield, New Works, Delaney Galleries, Perth, Australia
1996 – Der Bund Mach mal denkpause a short comment on the Denkpause exhibition, Berner Gallerie, Bern, Switzerland Reel time,
The Industrialists Nightmare, a film by Heine/Mueller, critical essay by Dirk de Bruyn
The West Australian Newspaper Abstract images hold their fascination over time by Dr. D. Bromfield, Perth, Australia
1995 – Austria 2, National Television locus necessitatis, Gallery am Rossmarkt, Wolfsberg, Austria
Unterkaerntner Nachrichten locus nessesitatis
Gallery am Rossmarkt, Wolfsberg, Austria
The West Australian Newspaper
Colourful figure a master of black and white by Dr. D. Bromfield, Perth, Australia
1991 – Tages-Anzeiger/züri-tip ʻEine Verheissungʼby Hans Ruggli Eine Verheissung, Gallery SEC 52, Zürich, Switzerland
*Note, relevant exhibitions are tagged in italics.
Australian Capital Equity, Perth, WA
The National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT
The State Library of Western Australia, Perth, WA
Royal Perth Hospital Art Collection, WA
Edith Cowan University, WA
Murdoch University, WA
Central Institute of Technology, Perth WA
documenta Archive für die Kunst des 20. + 21. Jahrhunderts Kassel, Germany
MoMA: Franklin Furnace Collection at DADABASE, New York
Printed Matter, New York
The City of Wolfsberg, Austria
Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt, Austria (Public Sculpture)
Numerous private collections in Australia and Overseas
1335MABINI Artist Residence, Manila Philippines.
Artist in Residency, Kurb Gallery, Perth, Western Australia, 2006/2008/2011
Artist Residency, at the Bosshard studio, Architekturfabrik the Stehli Seiden Areal in Ofelden/Zürich, Switzerland, 2005 2007 2009
Studio residency, San Nazzaro, Ticino, Switzerland, 2009
Winner of the 10th West Australian Film and Video Festival, Perth, Australia, 1996
The Matilda Award for Cultural Excellence in the Visual Arts, The University of Western Australia
Nominated for the 9th West Australian Film and Video festival, Fremantle, Western Australia, 1995
Hewittʼs Art Prize for Art Theory, The University of Western Australia, 1993
Lectures/Public-Speaking Engagements
Smear Talk &# 8211, 720 ABC radio interview with Justine Kelly, 2006
Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts, Mediocre Shunga – use your head, a video presentation and discussion about performance and meaning, Ljubliana, Slovenia, 2005